Entre_Z – Midissage

Soloausstellung „Entre_Z“ – Fotografische Arbeiten zwischen – „Entre“ – Zeiten und Momenten – Ost und West – Potsdam und Paris.

27.11.2022 – 18.12.2022, Ausstellungsräume im Kosmos, Kunst- und Kreativhaus Rechenzentrum, Dortustr. 46, 14467 Potsdam


E=mc2, Einstein’s theory of relativity, the starting point of my new work: woven realities. For the 50th anniversary of the Fritz Eisel Mosaik at Rechenzentrum Potsdam, a place with several historical time layers.

The works are a homage to Fritz Eisel’s mosaic „Der Mensch bezwingt den Kosmos“ (Man overcomes / conquers the cosmos). I show how the listed mosaic is connected to the former data centre of the GDR. In doing so, I want to explore the question of which layers of time are present in this place and who decides which layers of time may be present.

The works are digital photographs that have been cut and rewoven by hand. All 5 works are unique. Some of the works were shown for the first time in 2022 as part of the exhibition „Der Mensch verlinkt des Kosmos“ to mark the 50th anniversary of the mosaic.

Brandenburg Art Prize 2021 – nominated!

My work "Un-di-vi-ded" was nominated for the Brandenburg Art Prize 2021.The work "Un-di-vi-ded" is part of my series about the Glienicke Bridge, once a symbol of the division of Germany, today a connection between Berlin and Brandenburg.

Mein Werk „Un-di-vi-ded“ wurde für den Brandenburgischen Kunstpreis 2021 nominiert.

Das Werk „Un-di-vi-ded“ ist Teil meiner Serie über die Glienicker Brücke, einst Symbol der Deutschen Teilung, heute eine Verbindung zwischen Berlin und Brandenburg. Weitere Werke aus der Serie finden sich https://fotoartwork.de/portfolio/glienicker-bruecke/

2020: Cherry Blossom in lockdown

That was my foto_art_work year 2020 – a very special one – it started and ended up with a lockdown due to the Covid virus. What else? ++ The Open Gallery Week-end in Potsdam finally took place ++ some of my works are now available in the Futur 1 Gallery and Webshop ++ my first garden exhibition ++ I was and will be part of the time capsule project: some of my work from 2020 is encapsulated… to be exhibitioned in 2023! ++ my work „Cherry Blossom in Lockdown“ was selected by the Potsdam Museum ++

Kirschblüte im Lockdown, April 2020

Melancholie des Augenblicks (Melancholy of the moment)

Melancholie – es sind jene Momente, in denen die Seele Ruhe findet, uns zum Innehalten zwingt und aus denen wir neue Stärke schöpfen. Es sind aber auch wehmütige Momente, Augenblicke stiller Einkehr durchsucht von Traurigkeit, Momente des Rückblicks auf vergangene Zeiten. 

Melancholy – there are those moments in which the soul finds peace, forces us to go inside and  from which we get new strength. But there are also wistful moments, moments of quiet contemplation riddles with sadness, moments of looking back at time gone by. 

Vernissage: 11.10.2018, 19 Uhr; Ausstellung: 12.10. – 27.11.2018

Fotogalerie Potsdam, Treffpunkt Freizeit, Am Neuen Garten 64, 14469 Potsdam

Bild auf der Einladung: @ElenaTernova